Monday, January 5, 2015

Master Bedroom Makeover Day 1




To This

Here is what my room looks like now. It's really big I know. Our house is stupid big. And before you start thinking oh that must be nice ask to see my hydro bill and house maintenance bill. The amount of work and energy to keep this size of house up is absolutely exhausting. I would gladly trade it for something smaller, well at the right price anyways. ;)


The first thing I did was pull up the baseboard. Normally I don't do this of course if I'm just painting but I will be replacing the flooring so it needs to be out for that. Pulling nails from hardwood trim is the part I dislike most in this job. But it's valuable trim so we salvage everything we can.
Next I patched all the walls with puddy knife and some poly fill. How's the time to clean up all the dents, scratches and scrapes. Then on to my favorite part...painting. I chose the most difficult wall first and I cut in with a brush at ceiling edge and around windows. Then finished the rest with the roller. I have never used tape after being taught by professional painters a hi quality angle brush is all that's needed. I don't need to worry about the floor as its getting tossed along with 13 years of yuck, so no drop cloth ( which I never do anyways, just have a wet rag handy and clean as I go.). I have learned over the years to load paint appropriately and move slowly and most disasters are avoidable.
That's it for today and will be posting again as I go.
See ya!


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